Wednesday, April 29, 2009

PT is NOT Fun

The boys are on vacation this week, and in general, we are having a great time. We spent some time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at playdates with good friends. Wednesday afternoon I had to take Aaron to PT. He had a tough time. At gymnastics on Saturday, it seems that Aaron has hurt his non-fixator leg! He hyperextended his knee going around the mats. (NO! He was not participating in gymnastics, he was just hanging out with some of the boys he used to be in gymnastics with including his favorite coach!)

So, because of that, he has not been walking alot. Therefore, he did not want to participate in any type of PT activity! It was a LONG 45 minutes. And, he lost his coveted McDs trip after the PT session. Needless to say, he was not happy. One would think that he would be exhausted after crying for 1/2 hour - but apparently he is stubborn enough to cry for an hour and a half. I am ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day.

Here are some pictures of Ethan and Aaron romping around outside.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

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