Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mid-Week Mania

I am finding it harder to write every day! Time flies when you are having fun. Monday was a pretty good day for Aaron. He made it all the way through school, and he walked very well (to earn another army man!).

Because of voting day, the kids were home from school and that was really nice. A couple of young ladies came over for the day because they were off from school too. We all had a fun together. It was so nice, we were able to play outside and go for a walk. Aaron had his first outpatient PT visit since his surgery. The appointment was very difficult for him and it was not at the best time of day - 4 pm. His knee (or possibly hamstring) is getting very tight because of the lengthening, and he cannot make his leg straight, which is problematic. His knee brace also is very difficult to put on and causes him pain instead of stabilizing his knee as intended. I have a feeling that PT twice a week will not be Aaron's favorite thing to do. But, do it we must!

Today Aaron had an appointment down at Children's to change 4 of the struts (they were running out of space to turn - that's how much he has been lengthened!!). We took Ethan with us too because we had to leave so early. After 2 hours of driving we arrived, we found that we had no appointment! But, Dr. Snyder cleared up the misunderstanding. Aaron had X-rays, which showed that he is right on target! It took quite a while to change the struts, and it caused Aaron quite a bit of pain. Aaron's back pin is looking a bit funky, so the nurse worked on that a bit too.

There is some bowing of Aaron's tibia (looks kind of like a boomerang), so Dr. Snyder changed the prescription to fix this. It will be a bit tough for Aaron at first because some of the pins will need to be turned 2 mm at a time. So, we will see how it goes. It was a long visit, and we finally left at 1pm (we left home at 7 am). I thought for sure the boys would get to school by the afternoon, but it wasn't meant to be. We made it home by 2:30. We were all pretty tired, and it still amazes me how tired we can get after the appointments. However, we are encouraged that Dr. Snyder is pleased with how things are going. If his lengthening continue on course, he could be done with that part by the end of the month!

Tomorrow I am looking forward to having the boys back at school. Aaron will have PT mid-day which hopefully will go well!

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