On Thursday, Aaron did really well at school. He lasted 5 hours! Also, I was able to get my hair cut, and I left him in capable hands at school. It was nice to do that and grab a cup of coffee. It was nice too to come back to school, see that he was doing well, and do some more work. After reading the Wednesday blog, Mrs. Iannuzzi is on a mission to help Aaron walk more! She arranged to have Aaron walk twice a day (in the morning and then again after lunch). I am thankful for all the help!

Halloween Day was a busy day. In the morning, Aaron and I drove down to Concord, MA to have his knee brace altered. The current brace was too much and made it too difficult for Aaron to walk. Nick, Aaron's Prosthetist/Orthotist, is very good at figuring how to make something work. So, after about an hour, we left with an updated knee brace and a foot plate to help his toes not to curl under. The picture of the knee brace attached to the fixator is below.
We made it back to school (after a quick stop at McDonalds, of course) just in time for the Halloween party. The kids had a great time and they looked great in their costumes. We came home and rested before going out for trick or treating. Aaron did not last too long, but Ethan kept going in the hopes of having enough candy to feed both of them for 3 years. I have a picture of Aaron - he is dressed up like King Peter from the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. Ethan dressed up as a skeleton, and I dressed up as a doctor.
Grammie was able to come down to see them for Halloween and then stayed the weekend to help out. It was nice for me to be able to sleep in on Saturday and take a bubble bath on Saturday night! Aaron also was able to have a playdate with his good friend, John Charles. Sunday was low key and restful, and we are getting ready for the week ahead. Aunt Kendra and Uncle Ryan came by for a visit. They took him for a walk outside!
I am looking forward to Aaron walking a lot more this week. He looks stronger every day! Ethan took this picture of his brother walking.
You'll notice that on this blog, I have finally mastered adding pictures that are relevant for this blog! My sister, Kendra, helped me with this one.
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