Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Every Day is a New Day!

Last night was so much better! Aaron slept well during the night, and I did as well. No Sox game for me last night (but it was nice to find out they won this morning!). Today Jonathan went back to work, and Ethan got to school fine on the bus. Nana came over for most of the day which was really great. I'm not too confident to be by myself yet.

Aaron had a much better day. He still needs all of his pain medications, but he seemed to be more "with it" today. While I took a shower, Nana gave Aaron a sponge bath and dressed him for the first time since the surgery. He walked for a little bit, but it is still very painful for him. He sat up in his wheelchair and played some video games while I took a walk with my pastor, Jim. After I got back, Nana and I took Aaron out for a walk. It was very brief, but I think that it helped lift his spirits and mine too!

He ate a full lunch today - a peanut butter sandwich and apple. In general he had a good appetite. A visiting PT came later in the afternoon, and he walked a bit more. This was very difficult for him because he was tired and because he was due for more pain medication. After she left, he promptly fell asleep. I was concerned that Aaron wasn't walking too much - much less than he was in the hospital. The PT told me that this was normal for most people once they get out of the hospital. They tend to backslide a bit. She assured me that he will continue to gain strength and that pretty soon I will be telling him to slow down.

The little games and toys people have been given Aaron have been very helpful. Aaron put together a KNEX figure that the Wagner family had given him - thank you! He liked doing that very much. We have yet to work on school work - sorry, Mrs. Iannuzzi! We will hopefully get to that tomorrow morning. We will be driving back down to Boston for a follow-up visit with Dr. Snyder. I am looking forward to brushing up on my pin-cleaning skills and making sure that he is OK. Another purpose of tomorrow's visit is to begin the lengthening process. Not sure we are ready for that! But, I suppose one would never be ready for that.

I have a new appreciation for my friends who care for their children in wheelchairs, for friends caring for their elderly parents, and others caring for those with medical needs. It takes a lot of work, constant care, a little stress (no stress here! :)), heavy lifting, etc. Please be sure to give some encouragement to someone you know in this situation. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the well wishes, encouragement, prayers, meals, etc that my family has received.


Kendra said...

Hi Little Monkey!
We are happy to hear that today was a better day for you! We'll be by this weekend so maybe you can show us your new Panda webkin and all your new fun toys! Sleep well tonight.
Aunt Kendra and Uncle Ryan

Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron,
I am so glad that you are feeling a little better today. The first thing the kids ask me each morning is...Is Aaron coming back to school today? I did read them a little of your "blog" today. The part when it talks about how their cards made you feel better. They really miss you. Please don't worry about your school work, just for now. I know you will catch up real fast when you are feeling better! Mrs. Peterson can't wait to give you some more words to learn. She has been busy decorating our classroom for Halloween! Take care and get lots of rest...I am sure your Mom can use some too! Love, Mrs. Iannuzzi