Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 2 at Home

Last night was a bit of a rough night. I was able to watch the Red Sox, however. Too bad they lost. Aaron was pretty uncomfortable, and neither of us got much sleep. We are getting used to being at home without the comfort of the special bed and the nurses.

I was hoping to increase the time between his pain medication, but that didn't work out. His pain has been pretty steady. So, at the end of the 4 hour interval, he is very uncomfortable. He didn't do any walking today either. We will try to work on that tomorrow. He spends most of the time switching from the bed to the wheelchair. Hopefully, tomorrow we can go for a walk. I think that he is getting a bit too used to being bed-bound.

Jonathan stayed home today which was helpful, and unfortunately, he had to deal with phone problems. So, if you couldn't reach us by phone today, that is why! Our phone is up and working again - so feel free to call. In addition, frustrating the situation is our on-the-fritz dryer. Also, we had to pick up more supplies for the pin cleaning. We are going through the cotton tip applicators pretty quickly. Jonathan has to go into work tomorrow - so I will be flying solo! Yikes!

I am sure as the days go on, we will get used to all the changes. It is a bit overwhelming for us right now. So, I guess there are enough prayer requests in this e-mail to keep anyone busy.

We are thankful for Nana who came by to help us and replenish some supplies. A visiting nurse came by to be sure that Aaron was OK - that was very reassuring. Also wonderful was the meal we had tonight - thank you. Aaron received Corduroy and special hand-made cards from his classmates today. Thank you Mrs. Iannuzzi and class! They really brightened Aaron's spirits and were so beautifully done. Aaron's big brother, Ethan, will be reading Aaron Corduroy tonight. We also enjoy and appreciate all the support that we are receiving from the blog comments and all your prayers. God has blessed us with so many wonderful friends and family. This is all helping us get through this challenging time.


The Thomas' said...

Dear Jodi, Aaron, Ethan, and Jonathan,

Please know we have been praying and thinking about you all daily. We look forward to seeing you as soon as you are up for a visit from us. Let us know what we can do to help at anytime for anything!
Love, Laurie, Trevor, Torii, and Brian ...

The Schneidimotos said...

Hi Aaron!
You are doing so well and being so incredibly brave. You are a superhero! I can't wait to see you and go for a walk with you and your mom.

There are so many people out there thinking of you and wishing for your leg to heal really quickly.
