Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Check-up at Children's

Aaron has been doing very well since his last surgery. He is slowly getting used to putting weight on his foot. It is taking longer than I expected, but he is trying every day. We took Aaron swimming, and right after he got another infection. So, no more pool! :( He will be on antibiotics for 10 days. We are now wrapping his entire leg so that his 6-year-old fingers (aka not very clean fingers) cannot get at his pins. This, in general, will help with getting further infections.

School has gone very well. He is now getting picked up by a special bus with a lift. This has been really wonderful for me. I don't need to run back and forth to the school. He also has gained some new independence. So, this is good for Aaron too. He is also receiving PT at school as well. That is another blessing for both of us. He is in school more because I don't have to take him out for PT, and I have a fuller day getting other stuff done.

Today Aaron had a check up down at Children's, and the appointment was good. After a 2 1/2 hour wait for our appointment, we were given a room. (We are learning to have patience and how to play "I Spy" and "Charades" in the waiting rooms.) Aaron's x-rays look really good. His tibia bone is nearly together. It is quite an amazing thing, and you can only believe it if you see it.

Dr. Snyder wanted Aaron to have bone stimulation done so that the bone could heal faster. Basically this machine is a noninvasive stimulator that generates an electrical current by using pulsed magnetic fields. It is something that I don't understand and was created by people way smarter than me, but I am thankful for this. He will wear it at night for 8 to 10 hours. It is NOT painful either. So, this should help his bone heal up to 3 months earlier.

In about 5 weeks, Aaron will be seen again and he will have a CT scan to find out if his bone is strong enough to have his external fixator removed! As we move toward the nicer weather, it has been wonderful. No more fighting with the snow and ice. He can walk outside now. Our next task is to find him some sneakers that fit both feet.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that i have club feet and have had my recent surgery at Children's Hospital of Atlanta and they did a fantastic job.

I also had a frame Similar to Aarons and i can completely relate him on every level.

Anyway, i hope he recovers quickly and benefits greatly from this operation.

Jodi said...

Thanks for your comment. When did you have your fixator? How old are you? How was your recovery after your leg lengthening?